Fall for a Cure

October 24, 2013By 0 Comments

Reds, oranges, yellows – those are the colors most people think of when they think of fall.  It’s the changing leaves, the apples in the orchard, and the pumpkins waiting to be picked in the field.  When I think of fall though, I think of pink.  October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month and as most people know, pink is the most recognized color for the cause.  So, with that being said, I was thinking, while we can’t change all the leaves on the trees to shades of pink, we can surely paint some pumpkins!

Pink PumpkinIn honor of the fighters, survivors, and angels, this fall show your support and paint your pumpkins PINK!  Get creative!  Decorate the pumpkins with pink ribbons, words of inspiration like hope, courage, and believe, or phrases like “Fight like a Girl” or “Celebrate Life.”  Head to your local arts and crafts stores for glitter, sequins, ribbons – you name it!  Go to town accessorizing your pumpkin to draw attention to the cause!  Display it on your front porch, in your picture window, where ever it will be visible to all who pass by.

It just so happens that the last day of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month falls on that same day all the kids in the neighborhood run around (supervised, I hope!) gathering up all the sweet treats that they can get into a pillow sack.  Why not switch things up on them this Awareness Buttonsyear when they get to your house?!  Forgo giving the costumed children another piece of candy that will only help their sugar high (mom and dad will thank you!) instead help the cause by handing out fun awareness gifts like silicone bracelets with assorted awareness messages like “Get Your Pink On” and “Early Detection Saves Lives” or an awareness button with inspiring messages like “Give Cancer the Boot” and “Pink: Spread the Hope! Find the Cure.”  Breast cancer is by no means a treat to anyone affected, but by raising awareness and spreading hope, finding a cure will be!

Filed in: Awareness ProductsThink Pink Tags:

Christie Skelly

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